


禪師欽點 費許掌尼克兵符

中國時報【黃邱倫╱綜合報導】跟據《美國雅虎體育》與《ESPN》報導,效力於雷霆的老將費許已決定高掛球鞋退休,並且接受「禪師」傑克生之邀,以5年2500美元價碼前往紐約接掌尼克兵符。費許的球員生涯總計拿到5枚冠軍戒,季後賽打了259場,取得161勝,兩者皆創下NBA史上新紀錄。然而,當雷霆在本季遭馬刺淘汰後,費許就曾表達想要退役轉換跑道的念頭。費許當時說,「我過去十年總是思考著如何扮演領袖角色,或是幫助其他人邁向成功之路,教練將是我退休後第一選擇。」費許此話一出,恩師傑克生立即伸出雙手迎接愛徒,但NBA聯盟馬上開罰傑克生25000美元罰款,理由是違反競爭規定。如今,費許終於打定主意準備脫下球衣改穿西裝,手拿戰術板當起尼克教頭。不過,費許上任後就得面臨頭號球星安森尼可能出走的局勢,如何留下甜瓜成為他首要任務。 Description Toggle View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 1 - 25 / 30 FILE - In this file photo taken June 8, 2014, San Antonio Spurs guard Manu Ginobili (20) shoots against the Miami Heat during the second half in Game 2 of the NBA basketball finals in San Antonio. ... 較多FILE - In this file photo taken June 8, 2014, San Antonio Spurs guard Manu Ginobili (20) shoots against the Miami Heat during the second half in Game 2 of the NBA basketball finals in San Antonio. Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade became the latest recipient of a flopping fine from the NBA on Monday, June 9 ordered to give up $5,000 after the league found he over-exaggerated a foul charged to San Antonio's Manu Ginobili in Game 2 of the finals. The foul was Ginobili's third of the half, sending him to the bench. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez, File) 較少 1 / 30 Associated Press | 拍攝者 Tony Gutierrez, File 2014年6月10日週二 台北標準時間上午5時15分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image


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